
  • Comfort

  • Multiport for Electronics

  • Smart Management

  • Desk and Chair

  • Glass back wall

  • Compact Size

  • Accessories

  • Sustainability


 Transformer table
will allow you to work in two

  • Working opposite each other

  • Working shoulder to shoulder


In the video, we’re showing a office noises. Feeling the difference inside and outside the booth

  • No dust, noise, debris during installation

  • WorkBooth manufactures products that are really soundproof

  • Silence is vital to creation and communication in our new workplace reality. People need uninterrupted quiet to focus and perform at their optimal level

  • That's what WorkBooth is all about, giving employees what they need to succeed

Booking system

Each booth can connect to an existing booking system through wi-fi

All booth usage statistics can be provided on-demand 
or automatically. Statistics include:

  • average sesion time
  • number of sessions per day
  • number of reservations

Integration through our API available for all major booking systems like Skedda, Meeting Fuse and others


Need more reasons to have a pod?

It's often cheaper 
to buy a WorkBooth 
than to build a meeting room
WorkBooth is assembled 
and disassembled quickly, 
in 30 minutes
WorkBooth has better 
sound insulation than 
a conventional meeting room
If you move to a new office, 
you can take it with you
No dust, noise, 
debris during installation
WorkBooth is mobile. 
You can move it like furniture

Please use this form to contact us.

ASBIS managers will get back to you as soon as possible.